Someone Somewhere
Last Time Out . In The Past . Back To The Future
Diary Rings
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Who's that girl?
2001-07-10 - In the AM

Last night, I got a real mindfuck.

I was working at a table for the RIT Student Music Association. RIT was having it's orientation, and we were out doing a little publicity. We were lucky and landed a table outside of a mixer event they were holding.

At one point of the night, this girl walks up to the table, and says hi to me. She stares at me for a moment, and then asks "do you remember me?" My mind is drawing a blank. "We went to the same high school." Still a blank. "I dated Ryan J. for 3 years..." (Well, at least you didn't date me! I might have remembered then!) Still drawing a blank.

She walks away from the table and into the bathroom. She comes out a few minutes later and comes back up to the table. "Still no idea?" she asks.

"Nope. Can you tell me?"

"No, you had your chance" she says, and she walks away.

How can you expect to remember the name of someone who was the girlfriend of one of your acquaintances back when you were in high school, and you were a senior and she a freshman? There were over a thousand students at my hish school, and I'll be damned if I can remember more than a hundred of their names and faces.

I've met so many people in the past three years, I'm surprised I can remember anyones' name at all. There's dozens of my Fruhead friends, the thousand or so people I've met or worked with at RIT, friends out at camp, just people everywhere.

So, Emma, I'm sorry that I couldn't remember your name last night. I wish I had remembered your name, but alas, I can't. It appears that I am human afterall.


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