Someone Somewhere
Last Time Out . In The Past . Back To The Future
Diary Rings
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2001-07-23 - During the day.


My friend goovie uses the term "meh" to describe the feeling that comes from things going wrong. Foof is what my friend Katrin uses. (Well, other friends use it too, like Doug and such, but enough about that.)

Have you ever felt that all the forces of earth are conspiring against you? Or maybe it's just Monday.

Friday night, when I came home, the "Temp" and "Service Engine" lights came on in my car. When I get home, I see that there is no coolant in the engine. *foof*

Saturday, I get a hold of some anti freeze, mix it up with water, and add it to the coolant reservoir. Everything looks good, except there is a slow green drip coming from the bottom of my car.

Sunday, I decide to take a really long bike ride for sushi. Nearly 22 miles in all. I get home and the coolant level has dropped below the "full" line. *foof*.

I slap my bike rack onto my car, and hook my bike on to it. I drive to Firestone, but arrive a few minutes after 5 PM. *foof* They're closed.

So, I fill out the "drop off" form, toss my keys into the envelope and into the mail slot on the garage door. No problem, I think... I have my bike, I can ride to work tomorrow, it won't be so bad.

Monday Morning: I'm on my merry way to work, having just rode through Genesee Valley Park, about 20 minutes into the ride. Just past the midway point, crossing Genesee Rd., I hear and feel a loud *snap*. *FOOF*. The chain on my bike just broke. *sigh* Since I was just as far from work as I was home, I decide to walk the rest of the way to work, carrying my bike chain in one greasy hand, pushing my bike with the other.

A 40 minute bike ride turns into an hour and ten minute walk. When I finally get to my desk after a quick shower (thank you cool office for being equipped with a shower!), I sit down at my desk and see one message on my voice mail. It's firestone calling with the damages to my car. Leaky water pump. Fried thermostat. Radiator flush. License plate bulb. $400.

*meh*. *foof*.


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