Someone Somewhere
Last Time Out . In The Past . Back To The Future
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Close Another Door
2001-10-15 - During the day

"I've sat at this desk and tried to be honest,
Nearly 2 years with these men on the line.
Record set profits, then how's this a sign of the times?"
-Adapted from Downsizing, Moxy Fr�vous

I can't say that I've ever been laid off before. I'm experiencing a whole wave of new emotions over this. One day, you have a great job, good co-workesr, valued friends, and then the next, *pffft* nothing. Your world starts to collapse in around you.

It's not that I'm all that upset over losing my job, I know there are plenty of other opportunities out there for me to succeed. But I do have to go out and find them. I'm upset over the timing of it because my school just held a major job fair last week, and I didn't even think of attending.

And now I know that I needed to go.


I must say, it was a nice ride in through the park this morning. It's autumn in Western New York, and all the leaves are turning color. Genesee Valley Park is no exception the colors of the leaves were so stunning. It wasn't just your run of the mill yellow leaves. There were browns, reds and the occasional evergreen tree mixed in. I wish I had my camera with me this morning. Scenes like that are what we invented color film (and digital cameras!) for.

Unfortunatley, that all seemed to melt away as I crossed the bridge over I-390 into the north section of the park. I saw the lights flashing on a city police car, with a second one parked behind it on the park road. There was a TV news camera crew there, and a rather large area cordoned off by crime scene tape.

What a way to spoil a picturesque ride through the park.


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