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2001-11-16 - Late at night

Okay, so I know it's been a while since I last wrote. It's been a busy week getting things done for my different classes. I have a whopping 3 days left of being a college student. Not that I want to draw them out or anything, but I would like to savor them just a *little* bit.

I took one exam this morning, and I did as well as I expected to do on it. I'm not worried, because I know I passed the class, I couldn't get an A, and I would have had to have failed the exam to get a C. So, I'm happy that's over. The last two exams are not particularly difficult either. One is a course that I've breezed through already, and the second is my sign language class, and I'm thinking that will be more fun.

My last sign class was fun. One of the activities we did was for everyone to bring an object from around the house. These items were all placed in the middle of the room, and we had to sign a description of the item we brought.

Of course, I brought Jelly Belly Jelly Beans. A *huge* bag of them. The idea was to describe them, and when someone recognized what the item was, they would go to the center of the room, pick the item up, then return it to the person.

So, I started describing my bag of jelly beans... i made a cylindrical reference to them, and then started talking about their flavors, grape, orange, and i *hate* buttered popcorn... and Melissa stood up, walk to the middle of the room, took the bag of jelly beans, walked toward my desk, then made a sharp turn away back to her desk, and tried to make off with the jelly beans.

Note: Bringing jelly beans is a good way to suck up to the other students as well as your professor.

Speaking of sucking up to professors, I visited Century Wines today, where my alternate Wines of the World professor Lorraine works. She just happened to be there working, and of course, I got a bottle of the Beaujolais Nouveau. "Le beaujolais nouveau est arrive!", as well as a Fox Run Pinot Noir which I had with my spaghetti meal that night. It wasn't a perfect match though. Somethign in the sauce and the wine didn't agree. Oh well. *sigh*

Tomorrow is the first concert of the 12 Corners Coffeehosue series at RIT. I'm really excited about having this concert here. It's gotten some big promotions in the City Magazine, and I'm hoping that there's going to be a big crowd there. I'm *hoping*, of course, luck might say otherwise, but I'll keep my fingers crossed :-)

That's all for this week on Veterenarians Hospital. Tune in next time when you'll hear Dr. Bob say: "I feel like a congressman. Has anyone seen my pants?"


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