Someone Somewhere
Last Time Out . In The Past . Back To The Future
Diary Rings
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Don't play Vance Gilbert around HoH People
2001-12-06 - At night.

So, today, I'm sitting at my desk at my new job when the counselor next to me, Mary Karol comes into the office. Mary is hard-of-hearing. She wears big hearing aids, and can read lips (somewhat), so she can mildly hear.

I was listening to my Vance Gilbert CD, "Sommerville Live". The song "Why Are We So Cruel" was playing on the CD, and vance was singing a long sustained high note (well, high for a guy anyways.)

Mary Karol walks in, gets a puzzled look on her face, and checks to make sure it isn't her hearing aids going on the fritz.

Oh, it's just a song!

*Must remember to get real CD player for the office job.*


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