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Cooking. mmmmmmmm.
2002-01-15 - In the evening

Contrary to the whoe "being a guy" thing, I do like to cook. Strage, yes. I don't know what ever really inspired me to do it. Might have been my mom, might have been my friend Nick from Boy Scouts, or maybe even watching Iron Chef.

Time for a story. A long long time ago in Boy Scouts, me and nick were out on a campout. Nick was in charge of cooking dinner that night. It was spaghetti night. Let me tell you, Nick gave a comedy of errors. He dropped the spaghetti noodles onto the ground. He picked them up, and put them into the boiling water. (which is the only reason I still ate it.) As for the sauce, well, the sauce came from a jar, and Nick used the sauce, then added more water to the sauce. It was the runniest sauce I've ever had before.

Later that evening, we made brownies in a dutch oven. They came out burnt to a crisp. We played frisbee with it.

Starting this entry made me do a google search for Nick. Looks like Nick graduated from Paul Smith's with a degree in Culinary Arts, and was president of their Student Government. Strange how things work out.

As for me, I don't know how I managed to do it, but I seemed to have splattered chocolate over many things while making brownies in my kitchen. My shirt had a nice chocolate stain on it, my table did too, as did a plate that was sitting on the table.

I wish I had *real* mad cooking skills. I'm good, and I can follow the recipie, and do really good stuff, but lateley it seems that I've stuck to the old adage "If Betty Crocker don't do it, I don't do it either."


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