Someone Somewhere
Last Time Out . In The Past . Back To The Future
Diary Rings
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A misch mosch of things
2002-01-25 - When I should be in bed.

Did I ever mention how cool Sarah Slean is? I jsut got back from one of her concerts. I had *such* a good time at it. Well, all except for the waiting part. Somebody over at CAB must have screwed the pooch because doors didn't open until 9 PM. I called and was told that they were supposed to be open at 8. And in my normal Fruheadishness, I arrived well before that time to wait. Let me tell you, MY BACK IS SORE from all the standing, combined with yesterdays workouts. *grumble* But it was worth it. Sarah is one of the most amazing artists I know. Too bad her new record won't be out until March in the states. And since I'm not able to go to FruCon, I won't be able to get a hold of it early. Oh well. I guess I need the trip tto the Archive anyways.

I think I know what love is now.

I read my friend Jac's journal, and read about her and her love and having to go home.

I used to think I knew what love was... now I'm not so sure.

I can say that I've never felt what she is feeling. I don't even know if I can ever feel like that.

I need to relearn how to love. Maybe I'm just a snowman. Maybe there is ice where my heart should be.

I think that the first step on the road to getting better is to feel better about myself... once I learn to do that, I think relearning to love other people will be much easier.


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