Someone Somewhere
Last Time Out . In The Past . Back To The Future
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Game Geek
2002-03-05 - During the day

If anybody asks where I am, I'm off enjoying my vacation. Oh, I'm playing Arcanum too.

I remember my second CS lab. My instructor, Phil White was a gaming geek. He had ordered the special limited edition Ultima Online (Special Limited as in, we'll include a nice piece of cloth and charge you $20 more for it.)

Anyway, we were busy learning about the Solaris machines they had running and learning the basics of Eiffel when a student assistant came in from across the hall, delivering a package to our instructor. Like a kid at Christmas, Phil sat down, ripped open the cover, and pretty much started drooling over the game inside.

"Okay, I'm going to go now and play my game. Interrupt me, and you fail. Leave me alone, and you get an A. Bye"

Phil took off for the door, never to be seen again (until next week's lab).


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