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Winter in Rochester?
2002-03-13 - Too early in the morning

I have discovered the secret of what causes the phenomenon called Winter in Rochester.

You see, there's this really big school called RIT. At RIT, there's lots of dorms. It takes a lot of heat to keep the dorms warm.

Unfortunatley, sometime about two to three months into the school year, somebody decides that it is cold in their dorm room. So, this person calls Physical Plant and complains about the temperateure. Simple problem, simple solution. Physical Plant flips a switch, and *wham*, all the heat is sucked out of outside.

This is what causes Winter in Rochester.

What causes summer then, one might ask?

The answer to this too is a fairly simple sequence of events. You see, RIT President Al Simone notices on his fifty foot walk from his car to the building he works in (The shortest distance *anyone* on campus walks to their building) that it is very cold outside. He doesn't want to give future potential students the idea that Rochester is a cold godforsaken asphalt swamp.

Simone calls up physical plant and asks them to make it warm outside. Well, Physical Plant doesn't exactly have the smartest people working for them. Nobody there can figure out what the problem really is.

Simone, pissed off over it all, fires the lot of Physical Plant workers. (He had planned to replace them with cheaper work-study student employees anyways.) He brings in new people, who begin trying to diagnose the problem, conducting surveys to see how the student body feels about the problem, and people to cover up the weather problem, telling students that it's a figment of their imagination.

About 4 or 5 months later, one of the workers realizes that the heat is on in the dorms. They turn the switch off, all the heat rushes back outside, and thus summer occurs.

This year seems to be a dilemma. Nobody called to complain that the dorms were particularly cold until far later in the year. It could be that recent projects to improve student morale have caused this.

Also, I believe that a spy has been planted in RIT's Physical Plant department and is the one flipping the switch on and off. I suspect it is a spy from MIT or RPI.


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