Someone Somewhere
Last Time Out . In The Past . Back To The Future
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Friday Five
2002-03-22 - In the afternoon

And now, the Friday Five

1-2: What is your favorite time of year? Spring time. The renewal of the earth, the budding of the trees, the gradual (or sudden) getting a heck of a lot warmer, people wearing less clothes on campus. :-D, hockey playoffs (which my team had better start doing a hell of a lot better in if they want to MAKE the playoffs!)

3. What is your least favorite time of year? Why?Winter. So cold, so desolate. So bleak. So many holidays, and feeling no joy in celebrating them.

4. Do you do anything to celebrate or recognize the changing of seasons? "Well, the pagans had big festivals at Christmas and Easter, then the christians came along and had big festivals at Easter and Chrismtas... and jesus was born on one, and died on the other... *hmm* *hmm* *hmm?*"

5. What's your favorite thing to do outside? Duh. Falcon Ridge :-) And killer tents, and walking up and down the big hill, and dancing, inside, if not on the outside, and fruheads, and blankets, and 7:30 tarp placement runs, and sunscreen, and hopefully not getting sick, and... well, you get the picture.


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