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Music Week Over
2002-03-24 - Early in the AM

Well, it's been a heck of a week for me, keeping busy with all sorts of music-related events.

Tuesday afternoon was RITSMA's Tuesday @ The Clock with Gregory Paul

Tuesday night was Martha's Trouble. On my way to see them, I heard about Thursday's concert.

Wednesday Night was a RITSMA meeting for me. Lots of good discussion about things we need to do to make RITSMA better.

Thursday was Voices on the Verge. Good concert.

Friday night was the Performing Artists Concert series featuring Josef Verba and Tara Noval. I had a good time, though I would have liked to see the concertitself instead of spending all the time preparing the reception afterwards.

Saturday was pretty busy. Job fair (Which I didn't make it into because the line was so long, and I only had a limited time because of the...

Fiddler on the Roof trip. Had a good time. Nice to finally see a professional production of the show. It's a depressive show, yes, but I got over that quick. I really enjoyed it.

Dinner was at the Mandarin Buffet with a bunch of people.

After that, I dashed off to put gas in my car, and then head over to the Brick City Singers 2nd Annual Night of A Cappella. Damn, that was fun. I helped usher for the start of the show (Still in suitcoat and tie from the aboted atempt at the job fair that morning. I felt overdressed, with the Brick city singers dressed in their Hawiian shirts and shorts. I loved their opening video which showed the guys getting ready for the concert, finding new members to fill some open spots in their roster.

One inside joke in the video was hilarious to those of us who knew about it... One of the members, we'll call him Special K, to protect his privacy, had to withdraw from RIT last quarter due to an impacted bowel. (Translation, no shit Missed a quarter at RIT, as well as a quarter of singing with the Brick City Singers.)

In the video, near the end, all the members of Brick City Singers have been chased into a bathroom by the evil creature that chased the knights in Monty Python & The Holy Grail. After a few moments go by, we hear the toilet flush, and out steps Special K. "dude, where have you been?" "Taking a dump."

Only sporadic laughter echoes in the auditorium, because of the so few number of people that were "in" on that joke.

Oh well.

By the way, today's entry is brought to you today courtesy of my Palm, and it's brand spanking new keyboard. That's right, this keyboard typed out my diary entry. Bow before me, I am Uber Geek.


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