Someone Somewhere
Last Time Out . In The Past . Back To The Future
Diary Rings
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Monday, monday.
2002-04-08 - In the AM

"Looks like somebody's got a case of the mondays"

If you've never seen Office Space before, you probably wouldn't get it.

"Did anybody ever say 'looks like somebody's got a case of the mondays?' to you at work before?

"No, no I do not. I believe you'd get your ass kicked for saying something like that."

I want to write. I want to write something good, but inspiration just doesn't seem to be with me this morning.

Gordon has been a topic of much discussion as of late. Gordons' father passed away recently. I'll jump on the bandwagon and pass along my sympathies here.

What I think is interesting about all this though is the concept of community in the new age of cyberspace. Cyberspace, as we know it, is a rather new tool for community building. Sites like Diaryland, Livejournal, Collegeclub, even Everything2 and others seem to create loosely cohesive groups. is another on-line community that I am a part of. We started out as a bunch of fans of a band, but have grown into something much more than that. (Especially since the band isn't exactly around at the moment.) We share so much as a group, a virtual community. We see bits and pieces of each others lives, we form relationships, we learn, we love, we argue, we bicker, we break up, we (sometimes) make up.

And now, our community resolve is put to the ultimate test, how we cope with death.

We've been fairly lucky as a group. From my view, we haven't had to deal with death as a group before... we had a big scare with Rodney Elin and him getting ill. Susan Barnard was killed by a drunk driver back in 2000, but wasn't too well known in there.

Now we have two community members losing their fathers in quick succession. We can't all be there for these two in person... but we are here. We're the most successful network of all. We're a widely distributed support network. Whether it's me giving Frulie HTML lessons, or Carey helping Gordon in his time of need, we're here for each other. This is what makes us a community.

A bunch of people. Centered around a long-absent band. Yet that band lives on within us.

I could go for a frutrip.


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