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Another Friday Five
2002-04-12 - In the AM

Time for another Friday Five! Graciously stolen from goovie, 'cause I can't get to the real Fridayfive site.

1. What is your favorite restaurant and why? California Rollin'. I love sushi, and IMHO, California Rollin' is the best in Rochester. The people there are fun to be around, and the stuff they make is *really* good.

2. What fast food restaurant are you partial to? Wendys. Reasons: Open late, and the food is actually paletable.

3. What are your standards and rules for tipping? 15%, more for better service, depending on whether I feel your bad service was caused by your incompetence, or my bad waitress karma.

4. Do you usually order an appetizer and/or dessert? Hardly ever.

5. What do you usually order to drink at a restaurant? Ooooh... I'll be a geek on this one.

waitress.ask( "Do you have pepsi?" );
if ( waitress.response() == "Yes" ) { waitress.order( "Pepsi, please." ); } elseif (waitress.response() == "We have coke" ) { waitress.order( "I'll have a sprite then." ); if ( waitress.delivers( DRINKTYPE.SparklingWater ) ) { customer.getSnippity(); customer.setWaitressKarma( BAD ); } }


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