Someone Somewhere
Last Time Out . In The Past . Back To The Future
Diary Rings
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2002-05-03 - In the afternoon.

I was just talking to one of my friends about the Clearwater Festival. She lives down that way and didn't realize it was there, and all the cool performers who would be playing there... like Dar Williams, John Gorka, The Nields... yada yada yada.

Then she noted that I needed to go see her apartment. And Matt. And TwoCats.

She also noted that it was the day (before/after?) her birthday.

I asked if this was a hint meaning "Bring me a birthday present, you bastard ;-) !"

Then she said "Just you being here would be present enough for me."

And that made my day. Scratch that. That made my week.

Thank you :-)


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