Someone Somewhere
Last Time Out . In The Past . Back To The Future
Diary Rings
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The good news and the bad news
2002-05-21 - In the morning

The good news: I'm playing the Phantom Planet CD that I got from the wonderful people at the WBER booth at the Lilac Festival.

The bad news: I nearly froze my butt off at the Lilac Festival this year.

The good news: My longtime fruhead friend Amy got married :-). (Congrats Mrs. Chaplin!)

The bad news: The father of one of my good RITSMA friends passed away. My friend has gone back to Plattsburgh to be with his family. Unfortunatley, I'm stuck in Rochester this week and am not really able to do anything for him.

The good news. I'm applying for 2 more jobs at RIT.

The bad news: I don't know if i'm fully qualified for one of them. The other is tech support, and the pay is possibly crappy. It would, however, cover the bills. Plus, this article on Slashdot about jobs and those of us graduating isn't too promising either. Bah. I feel my mad c0ding skillz slipping away every day.

Bad news: One of our friends was late for Game Night at Borders. We called his apartment and heard from his roommate that he had left "a half an hour ago', he lives about 5 minutes away from Borders, so we were worried sick.

Good news: He was at Toys 'R' Us playing with the new Star Wars Toys.

Better news: He scared the crap out of a bunch of people in our game group, and was summairly beaten.


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