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Last Time Out . In The Past . Back To The Future
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I'm a graduate!
2002-05-24 - Just before midnight

I have to be up far too early in the morning tomorrow for graduation. Oh well.

The Academic Convocation was tonight. Very interesting pomp and circumstance showing of the faculty. I actually got recognized as part of multiple groups for being a honors graduate, NTID staff member, a graduate, and a graduate of the B. Thomas Golisano College of Computing.

My parents drove up, and brought my not-so-pretty-but-now-really pretty piece of paper. They had it framed and matted, and it looks so much better now.

A number of people spoke, including student representative Kristy Springborn. She gave a good speech on education, setting goals, and stuff. Nice to see a representative of our college making the student speech.

President Simone then gave his own speech. He wasn't too lame, and he signed his own speech as well. (Wonder how much practicing went into that.) At least he didn't try to re-hash the Long Hair speech again.

CIA director George Tenet made his speech. Rather uneventful, he had some good things to say, but also got a nice protest from a number of the faculty sho stood with their backs to him for the entire speech. They've got guts.

8 Beat Measure preformed before the ceremony, and one of the college representatives, Kevin Sheldon, was on stage during the ceremony. Near the end, Kevin got his wish, singing Coney Island Baby in front of the whole crowd, with Sione accompanying him on a washboard of some sort.

"Keep your day job" was the recommendation from George Tenet.

Tomorrow promises to be more fun, so I must sleep if I have any hope of waking up to be to RIT before 7:15.



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