Someone Somewhere
Last Time Out . In The Past . Back To The Future
Diary Rings
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Clearwater Saturday, 6:15 PM
2002-06-15 - 6:15 PM

Wow. The rain has miracuosly held off and things are actually drying out here. Well, not really... Could be that I'm sitting on Gordon's plastic tarp. Thank you Gordon!!!

I hung out with Gella a lot. I got a few CD's, including a special present for a friend. 2 of them were Davinci's Notebook cd's, 2 of them were Nields CD's, each of them was autographed.

Gella & I also did some juggling in the juggling circle. As some may recall, Gella and I have a long history of juggling together, goinq back to Falcon Ridge 2000. We did some stealing, and I showed off my prowess in doing "Mills Mess", "Mechanical Man" and 4 ball juggling. I also got jealous stares from people over my juggling skills.

The rain has held off, and I'm listening to Pamela Means. More later.


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