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Falcon Ridge, Part 5
2002-07-27 - 6:20 PM

Saturday, July 27th, 6:20 PM.

Whee! What a day. I won't talk about the morning tarp disaster. I'm sure one is going to happen tomorrow, and I'll write about it then. Today;s music has been absolutley amazing.

Billy Jonas started off the morning with special guests Da Vinci's Notebook. Billy Jonas has a very physical style of a msic, considering he is on "Beat A Drum" Records.

The Workshop stage was next for me, with The Nields, Eddie From Ohio, Gandalf Murphy, and Da Vinci's Notebook. The theme of the workshop was "Sweet Harmony", and featured, among other songs, a eatles set by DVN, as well as the American, Canadian, French, and Slambovian national anthems. Don't ask me where Slambovia is, I think it's more of a state of mind.

Da Vinci's notebook rocked the main stage. My friends Cindi and Jeremy showed up and got treated to an amazing humor filled laugh set. Irreverent, funny, so indescribable. Let's just say, what happens whne you mix Ally McBeal, Bob Dylan impersonations, a conga line, and four funny talented guys? Laughs. That's what happens.

Tonight's lineup promises to be memorable, with Gandalf Murph and the Slambovian Circus of Dream, the Dave Carter tribute, Eddie From Ohio, Nerissa and Katryna Nields, Chris Smither, Railroad Earth, and then Russell Wolff's CD Release Party. This is going to be a memorable night. :-) 100% fun is in the cards :-)


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