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For the love of pete!
2002-08-05 - 9:21 a.m.

I was doing a bit of LJ surfing, and came across this entry by another local Rochestarian. Please don't ever let me turn into this. (Well, except for the part about her having a loving SO... but you'd probably have to read more about her to realize that.)

Weekend was pretty good. Saturday was spent bumming around mostly. After listening to Eric Schwartz's song "Come Out Of The Closet", I got earwormed by the last section of it, and got a strong craving for some chinese food. No, not the super fancy stuff like you would see on Iron Chef, but the ever present chinese take-out variety.

I called up the closest place that I could think of, but, unfortunatley, they had already closed for the weekend. (They must have changed their hours recently, because their menu said they were open until 11 on Saturday!)

Instead, I got in my car and drove downtown to the Monroe Ave area and went to a place called Hunan Wok. It's in the Monroe Ave party district, so I knew it had to be open. Of course, I got my usual order (usual for me, not that I've ever been to Hunan Wok before) of General Tso's Chicken. Drove home, turned on some Monty Python's Flying Circus, and had a (very) late dinner. Yum.

Sunday was spent out at the Park Ave Fest. (There's a different festival every weekend in Rochester, it seems.) I mostly went out to see one of my friends playing on the Rochester Music Coalition barebones stage. I had fun, and had my bike out at the fest so I got to take a nice and toasty 90 degree bike ride home.

Today, I'm going to be meeting with one of the Career Counselors here at RIT. I'm expecting to have my hopes for a decent job dashed as usual.

Yay Monday. *sigh*


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