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Unemployment Log, Day 2
2002-09-11 - Just past midnight.

This morning I was supposed to meet a person and do a little career counseling. The meeting was supposed to take place at the "Bagel place in 12 Corners." So, I went to Bagel Land, the bagel place in the 12 Corners Plaza. And waited. And waited.

Now, for those of you not from Rochester, you have to realize that 12 Corners is where 3 roads (Monroe, Elmwood, and Winton) intersect with each other to form sort of a triangle that has 12 Corners. Everything around it is named 12 Corners, except that there is only one plaza that is actuall named 12 Corners Plaza.

Wouldn't you know it, the person I was supposed to be meeting went to the Bagel Bin, another bagel shop in the 12 Corners Area. Oh well, she isn't from around here. Thankfully neither of us got too upset about it. Just a misunderstanding.

I've got some pointers to think about for my resume, and some ideas on some resources for developing networking skills. I hope they help :-)


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