Someone Somewhere
Last Time Out . In The Past . Back To The Future
Diary Rings
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2002-09-18 - About noon

Okay, so the job hunt hasn't been going too well. I'm taking some time today to go to the RUNG networking meeting. I'm printing out a few fresh copies of my resume.

Tonight is the first official RITSMA meeting. I hope that we do better recruiting this year than we did last year.

I woke up this morning with a shooting pain in my neck. Yeah, that felt great... took 10 minutes just for the pain to subside enough that I could finally lift my head and get myself into a chair and get the heating pad wrapped around my neck. I have no idea what caused this injury, other than it started about a week and two days ago, the day after I returned from the Colorscape Arts Festival. I thought my neck was sore from the awkward position I was sitting at, but now I'm not so sure. Something like that shouldn't still be hurting after 10 days.

Welcome to the wonderful world of unemploment. Like 1 out of every 6 Americans, I have no health insurance, which means that I have no doctor to turn to. Bah. I'll guess I'll just have to run off and find some Canadian woman and get married to her just so I can get health coverage.

Bring me a job. Bring me health insurance. Bring me the swedish bikini team to do a hot oil massage on my back and neck. Okay, I'll stop drooling now.


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