Someone Somewhere
Last Time Out . In The Past . Back To The Future
Diary Rings
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Friday Five... Again.
2002-10-25 - In the afternoon

THanks again to the Friday Five for providing me y bemusement for the day.

1. What is your favorite scary movie? - I hate scary movies. They're too damn predictable. Watch a real movie, like pi.

2. What is your favorite Halloween treat? Dots. I'm not a chocolate person.

3. Do you dress up for Halloween? If so, describe your best Halloween costume. Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. For the past few years, I've been dressed up as The Phantom, but this year, I'm going for something different.

4. Do you enjoy going to haunted houses or other spooky events? Not really. They're usually pretty cheezy. Give me a hay ride through the country any day.

5. Will you dress up for Halloween this year? Well, we are having a halloween party, so I'd better get dressed up.


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