Someone Somewhere
Last Time Out . In The Past . Back To The Future
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While you were out...
2002-11-10 - 9:30 p.m.

Wow, what a weekend. It's finally come to an end.

Friday: Worked on the RPO concert. Listened to the RIT/Manhattanville game on the walkman while I worked. Sucks to listen to your team sucking the big one like RIT did there. Concert was good... we sold out the RPO! Reception went well, thanks to a few of the RITSMA members, and a bucnh of guests we had helping from RWC.

Saturday. Slept in, then went to hockey! RIT 8, Neumann 1. Aww yeah. Then off to Buffalo to get Mighty Taco... oh yeah... party! Muff State, man those kids know how to party... or do they? A bunch of college kids standing around playing beer pong and drinking beer. At least there were some hotties to distract my mind with while I was there. And one special one there too :-D You know who you are.

Sunday, got back... note to self... Deviled eggs cannot be made in a rush. Next time, use the recipie in the Better Homes & Gardens cookbook, instead of the one in "The Joy of Cooking". Yecch, they were terrible, and I had to throw them out. Not to mention that I farked up the first batch of eggs (consequently, I'll be having Egg Salad Sandwiches for lunch tomorrow.)

Dinner party was great though. Plenty of food, even without the deviled eggs. Turkey was perfectly cooked. I helped smash the potatoes, saw Chris and Melissa's baby boy Alexander (he's walking now!!!), John, Molley, Dan, Matt, Theresa, Suzy, Lindsay, Bob, Ryan, and so many others made it a lot of fun.

Ahh, weekend. So fleeting.

Happy birthday, Gella!!!!!


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