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Alternat Friday Five
2002-11-15 - At night

Friday Five is on vacation this week. And now for something completley different.

1. Fsckin A, it's Friday finally. Whatcha drinkin, cause we all know you are a slobbering lush. I'll have a glass of water. Thank you.

2. Are ya gettin any this weekend? Who's the lucky bastard? Sleep. yes, I am getting some, thank you very much.

3. Tell Heather you fucking love her in a creative way. Watch your tongue and be nice, or I will hunt you down and cut it out of your filthy mouth. When I see here I get mushy / I'd rub her down and touch her tushie / I want to root around her pantry / I bet she tastes like cotton candy! o/~ "Heather Graham", Da Vinci's Notebook

4. Think these questions are fluff? Go fsck yourself. For the rest of you, what's the best fscking movie you've ever seen? [I mean, the best movie, not the best movie with fscking in it, unless you wanna share that too.] I don't know... I've seen a bunch of good ones. My favorite is As Good As It Gets, but I want to see the new Harry Ptter movie too.

5. So what the fsck are you doing this weekend? I've got Big Tree on Saturday with Nerissa & Katryna Nields. Sunday, Football. Monday, interview. :-D


Hosted by Diaryland