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The Friday Five
2003-01-17 - In the morning

Time for the Friday Five.

1. Where do you currently work? Ummm... I don't, but I'm hoping that changes soon.

2. How many other jobs have you had and where? I've had a bunch of jobs. The ones I list on my resume, software developer for Software AG, Internet developer for my former school district, and a department at school. I also did a staff assistant position with that department I worked for. Other than that, I've been a paper carrier, baseball umpire, flower deliverer, greenhouse laborer, and done other odd jobs.

3. What do you like best about your job? If I don't want to get up at 9 AM, I don't have to.

4. What do you like least about your job? If I want to get paid, well, that just doesn't happen.

5. What is your dream job? Dreams, sigh, to have them still. I don't think I have dreams anymore. I want a job that leads me to a rewarding career. Not just financially rewarding but one that satisfies my mind. I don't care if that means I'm a code monkey or not.


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