Someone Somewhere
Last Time Out . In The Past . Back To The Future
Diary Rings
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2003-02-25 - At night

I'm jealous of all of you people who went to Frucon. *sigh*

I read Gella's bits and musings. And I remember now how much I miss all my friends that were there. I wish I was there myself, but, *sigh* There's only so much you can do.

Things here are pretty much the same as they have been. People don't want to hear from me. My networking contacts are growing, yes, but I don't think I've seen opportunities growing here. My search has grown into a nation wide thing, but even then, don't have as many contacts as I would like, much less contacts for software development jobs.

But, tomorrow, I have an interview. I'm going to Rome tomorrow night, have my interview on Thursday, then come back, and see if I can make a show at Monty's Korner on Thursday night.

We shall see.


Hosted by Diaryland