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2003-04-08 - In The Afternoon

I will say this about running at the gym: It gets wasier to do over time.

Maybe it is just because my body is getting used to it, or I actually am improving my cardiovascular health. When you shave 7 seconds off your running time, it's a big accomplishment.

Of course, once it starts getting easy, you know it's time to up the stakes a little bit. I'll add a quarter of a mile onto the distance I am running. That will bring me up to 2 miles of running, and a mile and a half of walking. Yes, that's 3.5 miles. Yes that's the same distance I did in the Chase Corporate Challenege last year.

It's a damn good feeling to know that you're doing things right again. It's even better when the tens digit on your scale drops by 1.


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