Someone Somewhere
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2003-05-21 - In The Morning

Somehow, i'm surviving without internet access at home. I've been watching a lot of Law & Order. During the commercials, I'll flip over to YES and watch the Yankees lose more often than not (YES!) I see how it works. I start watching Yankees games, they start losing them. I'll have to try this more often.

I've also been keeping tabs on the NHL playoffs. I was rooting for the Minnesota Wild when they made it to their Conference Finals, but I was just blown away by the great goaltending by J.S. Giugiere. I don't really care who wins the East, as New Jersey and Ottawa don't really bother me all that much.

It's finally gotten warm out here. Thanks to my downstairs neighbor, I got a good lead on a path to go biking on. It wasn't all that it was cut out to be, especially with crossing a muddy stream bed, but it certainly was nice to just ride off into the woods and get away from everything. I rode up to Delta Lake. I was going to ride _around_ Delta Lake, but I changed my mind once I saw how big the lake really was. One of these days, I'll get an early start and ride all the way around the lake there.

In other news, i've rented out my old apartment for the summer. Yeah, that's a good thing. It's money in the bank.

boo. yah.


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