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Monday. *meh*
2003-06-09 - In The Morning

Well, we'll call it a weekend.

It was pretty good, actually. Got more boxes of stuff opened up and put away, though I realize now that I forgot to put the cardboard out for recycling this morning.

Saturday I dcided that i was going to the mall to take advantage of some clothes sales. It was all good, except tha I couldn't find the mall. I ended up going the wrong way and detoured to Utica. Thankfully, a nice guy at a gas station was able to point me in the right direction.

I did my shopping, got my clothes, then walked around the mall a bit. I also got a new hand blender, to tackle all those chopping jobs that I don't want to deal with myself.

Sunday was more of the same, starting out with a trip to the grocery store to find things to answer the all important question in life. ("What's for dinner?"). I'm trying to get my hands on a somewhat new product called "Dawn Power Dissolver", but none of the three stores that I visited that day (Price Chopper, Tops or Sprawl-Mart) carried it. I wanted to test it out on the drip pans in my stove, and it's gotten pretty good reviews to date.

Oh well. At least I was able to snag a deal at Sprawl-mart. I recently bought a new phone, and Sprawl mart must have been clearing out some accessories because they had an additional handset for the phone really cheap. So, now I have 3 handsets for my phone scattered throughout the apartment. Boo yah. I can even intercom with myself between the handsets. *woo!*

Of course with Monday being what Monday is, no good weekend goes unpunished. The father of one of my co-workers (my cubemate, in fact) has terminal cancer, and isn't expected to live past the week. My cube feels half empty here, because she just left to go be with her family. *sigh*

This reminds me that I really need to get on the ball and get my health insurance up to date.


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