Someone Somewhere
Last Time Out . In The Past . Back To The Future
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2003-07-07 - In The Morning

Fear not, dear readers. You have not been abandoned. I've just been a litte busy with that thing called life. You know... that thing that happens on Monday-Friday, 5:30 PM - 6:00AM, and all day on the weekends? Yeah, that thing.

My plans for the weekend involved a trip to Rochester for the weekend. July 3rd found me at Friday's for a reunion with a bunch of my friends. It was good seeing you all, especially Boyle, Jac, Spaz, Sara, Matt, Theresa, Ron, John, and a bunch of other people. I miss seeing my friends a lot. I'll have to make more excuses to go out and see them, and more crash space so they can come out and see me.

I crashed with a friend that night and spent the 4th doing a large number of things. We went to a cookout at the God-Forsaken Ashphalt Swamp, then saw Terminator 3 that afternoon. Note to self: Given who I work for, and what I am doing, be sure not to create Skynet. *check* Sadly, we were delayed going to see the fireworks, and never really made it to the town park. Instead, we watched them from a nearby parking lot, though we missed a lot of the lower ground-level fireworks.

After crashing again, I decided it was time to go back, though I needed wanted to do some shopping first. On my way to Record Archive, I got rear ended. *grumble* Thankfully, no apparent damage at this point, but we shall see. This put me out of a music buying mood (and I didn't see anything good in the used CD bins anyway.) I then went to the Eastview Mall. (First visit there) I picked up Crazy Taxi for the PC. (Don't need to get a PS-2 now!) Another stop took me to Dicks' Sporting Goods where I picked up an extra lacrosse ball, so I now have 5 and can learn to juggle 5 balls. (Yeah, my downstairs neighbor is going to love me!) I ended the splurge at the Waterloo Outlet Mall where I picked up a veggie/rice steamer to replace the POS one that I have.

In all, a pretty good weekend, except for leaving my travel kit behind at my friends place. (D'oh!) I may have a solution however... but it involves Weird Al, a road trip, and putting my trust in 2 other people. Stay tuned for the next exciting episode of my life.


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