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And now for something completley different
2003-08-01 - In The Morning

We interrupt this Falcon Ridge Recap to bring you the Friday Five. Brought to you today by Nature Valley Trail Mix Bars. Yum.

1. What time do you wake up on weekday mornings? My alarm clock goes off at 6:30 AM. That doesn't mean I get up at 6:30, it just means my alarm clock goes off at 6:30

2. Do you sleep in on the weekends? How late? Usually I do. I'm up by 9, 10 at the latest. All depends on what I did the night before.

3. Aside from waking up, what is the first thing you do in the morning? Straight to the bathroom to do my morning routine. Pee, weigh, shower. How fun!

4. How long does it take to get ready for your day? Well, if the alarm clock going off is any indication, it takes me an hour and a half. If you count when I get out of bed, I can be ready in 30-45 minutes.

5. When possible, what is your favorite place to go for breakfast? I never go out for breakfast. Breakfast is one of those Nature Valley Trail Mix bars that I keep telling you about. Though I'll admit, on Tuesdays, it's a bagel with cream cheese from the bake sale that we have in the office.


Hosted by Diaryland