Someone Somewhere
Last Time Out . In The Past . Back To The Future
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The Victim
2003-08-13 - In The Afternoon

Well, it's four days later now, and I still don't feel any better about what happened on Sunday. I feel violated. I feel like a congresscriter caught with his pants down.

Okay, it's not nearly as bad as what happened to one of my acquaintances. She was robbed of her purse and car at gunpoint. I read her weblog, and she talked about the pain she felt from that.

Even worse, after the police recovered her car, the car itself was a reminder of the pain she went through. In a way, my car is a reminder of the pain I went through.

True, losing 35 CD's isn't as traumatic as the pain of being robbed at gunpoint, but still, I've been wronged and I do have the right to feel some pain for myself.

All that being said, things are not looking good in the financing department. It's not that I have bad credit, it's just that I have only been at my current address for 4 months. *sigh.*

Maybe things will work out. We'll find out.


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