Someone Somewhere
Last Time Out . In The Past . Back To The Future
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Assholes Suck.
2003-08-28 - In The Morning

Yesterday, I had a co-worker call me unqualified and incompetent. No, it wasn't to my face, but it was right over the cbe wall. I shouldn't have to put up with shit like this. I've already got one PhD watching over me on the project that I am working on. I don't need another PhD (Phrima Donna? ;-) being a total asshole to me and disparaging me or my abilities. I didn't bust my ass since high school to get shot down like this.

On the good side, I had a talk with my mentor this morning who quickly apologized for the aforementioned assholes' behavior. We're going to sit down with our boss and have a little chat about that in the near future.


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