Someone Somewhere
Last Time Out . In The Past . Back To The Future
Diary Rings
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The hiatus is over.
2003-11-20 - In The Wee Hours

It's good to be writing again.

It's good to get classes behind you.

So, the hiatus is over. No, not that hiatus, my hiatus from writing. Didn't you miss me?

No, of course you didn't.

But that's okay. Because i'm back now, nad I'm writing about myself again.

Things I've learned recently: On-line courses suck and the professors who teach them at RIT are incompetent. You can say all you want to say about having people who teach on-line courses win awards, I can tell you that they're not in my department.

I'm sorry for the negativity. I'm probably suffering from depression. I'm still sick, and I've been sick for nearly a month now, I just haven't had time to go visit the doctor. I'll have to do that sometime soon.

I'll think of more to write tomorrow. Hopefully I'll feel better and more productive then.


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