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Clearwater '04, Day 0
2004-06-18 - Late At Night

And now for the Clearwater entries.

o/~ And the Clearwater goes where the Hudson flows o/~ Chris & Meredith Thompson

It wouldn't be Clearwater without a little rain, right? Luckily, the only rain I had to deal with was on the Thruway.

I wasn't really expecting to see many people that I knew here. My friend Cindi wasn't going to be here. I wasn't driving with anyone. The only person I thought I was going to see was Jess, a friend of Cindi's.

Boy, was I wrong. The first person I saw? Food Mike, my former cow orker from long ago. I don't think I've seen him since running into him at Monty's Korner some time ago.

I met up with Jess for dinner. Afterwards, instead of my usual trip to the water to gaze over the Hudson and give myself a nasty earworm of Billy Joel's "New York State Of Mind", I found myself pressed into service to help put the banner over the entranceway to the park.

As we were putting up the finishing touches, I spotted an old bespectacled man at the opposite end of the small tent staring at a copy of the program.

"It looks like you're on against Dar Williams" the lady standing next to the old man said.

It was then that I knew the identity of the old man. It was Pete Seeger.

I'm not much of one for hero worship. Sports stars may only earn a cursory recognition from me. But this isn't some sports superstar. It's Pete Seeger. A man whose actions and efforts are changing a generation. What do you do to say thank you to a man like that?

I wish I knew.

I didn't say anything. I just continued to put up the sign. I knew that I was doing a small something to help clean up the river.

And thats all I've got. More tomorrow.


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