Someone Somewhere
Last Time Out . In The Past . Back To The Future
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Another update.
2001-06-10 - Late Evening

Hello all you Paul followers!

Okay, so I don't really know how many people are actually reading this, but, here goes.

I know the internet is the "real deal". I mean, my parents shop is on-line now. ( if you're interested. ). My dad is asking me on information about buying a new computer. And, while I was at a hardware store today, I overheard an older couple say:

Wife: I don't see it here.

Husband: Hmm... I guess we'll look on the internet.


I got a DVD player. I'm building a library. I got "The Matrix and Groundhog Day" today. Haven't watched them yet. Hopefully I'll get a chance to today.


Sorry that I'm not more talkative. It's late, and I have to go to work now.



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