Someone Somewhere
Last Time Out . In The Past . Back To The Future
Diary Rings
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I want to know what you think!
2001-12-04 - In the evening.

I'm employed again! Woo hoo!

I'm happy that I'm back working again. It beats not having anything to do. It's work, it's money, it pays the bills (and a little more :-)

I am such a geek. I bought 2 new pairs of pants today in honor of my new job. "Mobile Dockers". THey have extra concealed pockets for putting things like palm pilots, mobile phones, sunglasses & cases, and other such big items.

So, if you see me, I may or may not be the guy wearing the cell phone, the palm pilot, the gerber tool, the fax machine, and the 1,492 piece swiss army portable white hot chocolate steamer on his belt.

Don't ask me to go through any metal detectors though! :-D


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