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The Grinch that Stole Christmas
2001-12-31 - In the afternoon

Today, I am writing one of my not-so-good mood entries.

As many people who read my journal are aware, for those who know me, I have an extensive on-line photo gallery with Recently, Photopoint disappeared. Along with the disappearance went $9.95 of my money.

Honestly, I don't care so much about the $10 membership fee that I had paid for. The quality of the service they offered was very good. However, I spent tons of time uploading the pictures, adding captions to them, sorting them into a sane order, and moving them to the correct spots I wanted them to go into.

This time investment is what really pissed me off.

You pissed off tons of people who paid for your service to host e-bay auctions. They're really hurting from this. Thankfully I'm not in that category.

You didn't even give any warning that you were going off-line. You didn't give people any time. This goes right up there with the September 11th tragedy. The people there didn't have a chance to even say goodbye.

Photopoint, and Pantellic software, you have earned my "The Grinch Who Stole Christmas" award for 2001.


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