Someone Somewhere
Last Time Out . In The Past . Back To The Future
Diary Rings
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Friday Five
2002-03-01 - Early in the afternoon

Friday Five Time

1. What's your favorite vacation spot? Considering how often I go on real vacations, I have no idea. It would be a toss up between Toronto and Falcon Ridge

2. Where do you consider to be the biggest hell-hole on earth? A world without music would be the biggest hellhole, so a world with Jack Valenti of the MPAA and members of congress who created the SSSCA [1 2, and who might be passing it in the senate will make the US the biggest hellhole ever.

3. What would be your dream vacation? Any place that I could afford to right now.

4. If you could go on a road-trip with anyone, who would it be and why? It's not who you go with, it's who you're with when you get there. I don't roadtrip with people all that often, and I have no idea who i would have with me.

5. What are your plans for this weekend? Hockey, hockey and more hockey. Plus 12 Corners Coffeehouse. RIT plays in the ECAC WEst semi-finals today, and probably the finals tomorrow. The Sabres play both Friday and Saturday nights, and we've got 12 Corners going on Saturday.


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