Someone Somewhere
Last Time Out . In The Past . Back To The Future
Diary Rings
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Great Big Sea, Live in Rochester
2002-03-12 - In the Morning

So, now it's Tuesday. Today is bound to be better than Monday. Why? I'm going to see Great Big Sea today. Well, that is, if I can get tickets. Which means there goes my lunch, since I'll have to go to a Ticketbastard outlet. *grumble* $3.50 in service fees to boot (at least).

Why couldn't they have just made tickets available at Record Archive instead?

Ah well. There goes my lunch. Probably my parking space too.

I'm still trying to decide what is for lunch today. Whether I want to bother going to get food, (I'm already going off campus), though it is Tuesday, and Sushi day at The Commons. I feel torn. (Especially since it's also Pizza Salad day too.) Decisions, decisions, decisions... and we all know how decisive I am.


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