Someone Somewhere
Last Time Out . In The Past . Back To The Future
Diary Rings
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Farking Friday Five.
2002-05-03 - In the morning.

Okay, so I lied. But the only reason I'm not doing a Friday Five is because they're on hiatus this week.

LaserBot: Do you know anyone else who is on hiatus?

Well, yeah, there is this band I like and they're on hiatus. But why in Xenu's name are you reverse processing me? Be gone you stupid clambot!

Okay, back to the real entry.

Last night was longer than it should have been. You see, we were doing a concession stand over at NTID... and just as the intermission ended and everybody went back inside, bzzzzt! bzzzt! bzzzzt! and blinking strobe alarms alerted us to the fact taht the fire alarm had been tripped. Oh no! We had to quickly put all our stuff away, pull a tablecloth off a table and cover all of the things we had pulled off the table.

We didn't panic, we remained calm and did things in a speedily organized way. Even if that meant grabbing the Snickers bars, and dropping them en-masse into the green bin. Oh well. :-)

We had to wait for about 45 minutes or so. Thankfully the rain decided to hold off, and it even warmed up a few degrees.

Unfortunatley, some people left completley after the fire alarm. :-( Those people missed one hell of a show.

Congrats to Jim Orr, the director of the show, all the cast and crew, and all the people who put on the show.

Oh, and here's a hint... for the start of act 3 tomorrow... cut back on the amount of theater fog you guys use ;-)


Hosted by Diaryland