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Friday. Big update.
2002-06-07 - In the morning

Happy Friday everyone! Looks like the Friday Five is hosed, so I won't be doing one of those this week... which is fine with me, because there's lots to talk about today. Well, hopefully lots to talk about.

Mozilla 1.0 was released this week. In honor of it, we're going to be having a "release party" at Dinosaur BBQ on Wednesday night. It promises to be a lot of fun, but a total guy-fest there. *sigh.* Gotta love computer geeks.

This is going to be the first time I've been at the Dinosaur since... well... hmm... since my Software Engineering team decided to have our end-of-project party there in my sophomore year. Hmmm... I see a pattern forming. Get major software project out of the way... go to Dinosaur. I like it. Well, except for the fact that we're probably going to be stuck waiting for an hour on Wednesday night for a table. Dinosaur is good. Damn good. Unbelievably good. And always crowded. :-D

Next weekend is bound to be very exciting. I'm headed to the Clearwater Festival down in Croton-on-Hudson, NY. This should be very exciting because I've never been there before, and I'm going to be seeing numerous friends there, including my RITSMA pal Cindi, and Dave McCloskey (aka "The Santa Claus Interpreter") who will be working/volunteering at the festival. (Did I mention that Dave rocks?)

This morning, WBER's "Friday Morning Show" played it's usual "Big 3" submitted by a listener. Today, they picked a Big 3 that was submitted by my friend Kim (who I haven't seen in AGES). Included was one of my favorite tracks, Moxy Fruvous' live in-studio cut of "Get In The Car". Good to hear it, though it was kinda sad to hear Joey say afterwards "yeah, today's tracks were kind of old school." Kind of sad when you think about that group you followed, that you loved, and hear them referred to as "old school". (Must remember to delete sentence about Mocksie liking New Kids on the Block.) ;-)

Hmm... that's about all I have to say. Oh, here is my own "Friday Five." that I wrote.

1. What is your name? Paul
2. What is your quest? To seek out new life, and new civilizations. And to play some kick ass computer games while doing it.
1. What is your favorite color? Blue.
That should be 3. 3 sir! 3! Right.
4. If a woodchuck could chuck wood, how much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood. A woodchuck would chuck a lot of wood if a woodchick could chuck wood.
And lame-o 5: What are your plans for the weekend? Probably going to play volleyball on Saturday, then movie day at Theresa's, then Sunday I might go and visit my sister who is in Buffalo this weekend. I also want to clean my apartment, and finish my new web page design. I don't know what is actually going to get done though.


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