Someone Somewhere
Last Time Out . In The Past . Back To The Future
Diary Rings
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Psycho Killer? Qu-est que c'est?
2002-10-28 - In the wee hours?

Ever have a friend who has a psychotic ex-boyfriend?

*raises hand*

Ever get into an IM conversation with "her" after she's already told you that she's gone to bed?

*raises hand*

Ever get questions from "her" about how the two of you met, even though she know how you met?

*raises hand*

Ever reply with questions about what she did last night, which you know damn well what she did, because you were there for some of them, and have "her" fail to answer them correctly?

*raises hand*

Ever ask questions about what she did at work today, and then have "her" fail to answer correctly, even though she told you exactly what she was going to be doing at work that day during the previous night?

*raises hand*

Ever been saved by the *real* friend logging in and seeing the tail end of your game of 20 questions, calling you and wondering what the hell was going on?

*raises hand*

Ever given the best advice of "Change your password. NOW."?

*raises hand*

Mission accomplised. Psychotic ex-boyfriend staved off.


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