Someone Somewhere
Last Time Out . In The Past . Back To The Future
Diary Rings
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2003-06-11 - In The Morning

I still have my old e-mail account from school, and every once in a while, something slips into the account that amuses me. My former boss was named to the Student Ombudsperson post at the school I used to attend/work at.

I'm proud of her, and I know that she'll do a great job in her new role, being an advocate for the students.

I must remember to send her a card.

One of new cow orkers has a problem. She's only been here a week, and she's just found out that her father is dying, and probably will not live through the week.

I must remember to send her a card.

And, it's father's day on Sunday. Plus, my dad's birthday is coming up soon. I've got the perfect card to send him.

I must remember to tell him that I love him.


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