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Things I don't like
2001-06-05 - In the morning.

Since I'm in a bad mood most mornings, I guess I'll start with a bunch of things I hate. Spam, internet junk mail. It really pisses me off. Thankfully, there's always to deal with it, but still, it's a pain in the arse to deal with. *sigh*

Another thing that pisses me off is traffic. True, living in Rochester isn't too bad for traffic, but we still have our fair share of idiots on the road.

Sometimes it's just a coincidence. Four lane road, the car you're following decides to make a left turn, so you switch lanes, and the truck in the right lane decides to make a right turn. And as you dodge that truck, it's rinse, wash, and repeat for the next 3 cars on the road.

It's not things like that... it's people who pull out of an apartment complex behind you with a signal just a few hundred yards ahead, and try to beat you to the light, and change lanes at the last second while you slam on your brakes.

*sigh* I think it's time for a bagel. Toodles!


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