Someone Somewhere
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Weekend Update
2001-08-12 - In the evening

What a weekend I had! So much music, so much fun!

On Thursday, I went to the Party @ The Park, a live concert held every Thursday at Manhattan Square Park in Rochester. Gregory Paul opened the show. We managed to get him at RIT a couple of times this year. I missed him both times, but I am so glad I finally got to see him play. He's an up and coming local artist that I hope really hits the big times here in Rochester. He has some mad djiembe skills.

After Gregory Paul, Jian Ghomeshi played his politically charged set. He was really rocking the house down with his music. A bunch of my friends had come down from Toronto, and I ran into a bunch of them, including Angela, Saburah, hK, Melissa, Amy and her bro JP (my twin brother, we joke), Angie, Lisa, and so many more. I miss you guys already!

I took off before the Crash Test Dummies played. My friend Spaz from Chuck's Mom gave me a call and asked me if I could take some pictures of his group. Well, who am I to resist such an offer? ;-) I got my tail down to Tremor's hole-in-the-wall for their Thursday Night battle of the Bands... one group had dropped out of the night's contest... so it was jsut Chuck's Mom against another group (who I didn't stay for.) I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Chuck's Mom comes out on top. (Well, sometimes Chuck's Mom is on the bottom... but that's another story).

Saturday, me and my friend Sara drove to Buffalo to see our friends Derek and Chris in their band "Modern Art" at the Higher Grounds Coffee House in Buffalo.

We stopped at my parents house... my sister Nancy was up from Maryland, so we had dinner with her, her kids, and my brother Peter and his kids. Dinner was good :-)

The concert was great. Unlike the previous concert, Derek had been with the group for quite a while, and really knew how to improv and such. It was a lot of fun to watch those guys going at it.


Paul's complaint forum:

I hate complaining about things, but, this time I'm really pissed off about something. My dad ordered a computer. It was supposed to be ready Thursday. Turns out that it wasn't ready. So, instead, I pick up the computer on Friday after work. The monitor he ordered is on back order. So, i have to get a different one and pay the price difference. I drive it out to my dad, who is away at camp for the week. I drive the hour and forty minutes out there, to the middle of Freedom, NY.

I get there, and start to set the computer up in the office, and find that the monitor isn't working. *sigh*

I trek it all the way back to Rochester, and test it out on my own machines. It's definitley not displaying correctly.

To make it worse, the place I got it from is closed for vacation until Monday,

so that's the earliest I can replace it... not to mention another ride

there-and-back... *sigh*

Well, Off to the realm of sleep and dreams, Good night!


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