Someone Somewhere
Last Time Out . In The Past . Back To The Future
Diary Rings
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I want to know what you think!
I just don't get it.
2001-09-01 - At night

My bike is still sitting in my living room with a flat tire. I haven't been motivated to fix it.

Tonight, I found out that one of my friends is getting married. One of my friends called me "bitter". Another told me to "fuck off".

I'm 22. I can't even get into a stable relationship. My friends are off getting engaged, or getting married, and I can't even get a date. My life is just a neverending string of reminders of how crappy it gets.

I'll try the MP3 player. There's bound to be something there to cheer me up. *random play* First track up: "I'm Single" by Deirdre Flint.

Even my computer is working against me.

There are some days that you realize that you are standing still. It is on those days you realize that you reazlize you are falling behind because you are not moving.


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