Someone Somewhere
Last Time Out . In The Past . Back To The Future
Diary Rings
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Mothers, Curtains, and Being a Kid Again.
2001-09-23 - *really really early in the morn

Today was a really good day for me. I slept in late, and got up when my mom came over from Buffalo to help me get my apartment in shape. This week saw a couch delivered to my apartment, and all the stuff my mom brought me.

She found a cheap kitchen table and chairs at Wegmans of all places, she brought me a cute little scarecrow cross-stitch piece, and this nifty little crafty pumpkin.

Afterwards, we went out to lunch at DiBella's. (Yummy subs!). Topped it off with trips to JC Pennys, Sears, and Target looking for curtains and stuff to put them up with. She also bought me some laundry detergent, and some woolite, and help me assemble the kitchen table and chairs she got me.

Did I ever mention that Moms are great people? If I never say it again, let me say it now. Mom, you're the best.


My day continued later on with some cleaning of my apartment and car, taking out the boxes from the table and chairs, and grabbing a quick dinner at Pellegrinos'.

I capped off the evening with a concert at Water Street Music hall. Two of my favorite musicians, Sarah Slean and Sarah Harmer. A wonderful concert as I well expected, but it's what happened afterwards that was the best.

After the concert, after most of the people had left the hall to go back on to their normal lives, there were just a couple of people left. I had just gotten the opportunity to see Sarah Harmer, spoke with here for a couple of minutes, got her autograph on a cd. Then I walked over to the bar where Sarah Slean was standing chatting with some people. Her senses were getting finely blurred. After listening to her chat on about her life, she caught the groove of the house music that had meen playing in the background. Eventually she grabbed my hand and we spun around a couple of times.

And even though it meant nothing, it was a freshley turned 24 year old less than sober kid and a nearly 23 year old kid too serious for his own good forgetting about life for a while, and the events of the past week and a half and having fun. And that's where the healing begins.


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