Someone Somewhere
Last Time Out . In The Past . Back To The Future
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2002-01-17 - In the afternoon.

Today is a lesson in boredom. Going in to the end of my fourth week of being a secretary now, and I am amazed at how fast this crap goes by.

I have 2 student assistants that I have to keep busy too. A good portion of their time is spent in the next office over "researching the web"... surfing, if you will. At least I got to break the monotony this week with birthday celebrations. :-) "Bagels, brownies, or beer. Choose two." Luckily they both chose bagels and brownies. (I'd probably get into trouble with the whole beer thing anyways.) So, happy birthday Ivan and Melina. You two are the best... (for taking care of all the crap in the office that I don't want to deal with.)

Today I managed to stab myself with a pen. Looked like a little exclamation point droawn on the palm of my hand... a purple line of ink, and then a big blob of red where the wound was.

And my hockey teams are winning too. I'm probably going to hitch a ride from a friend and go to the game on Friday in Oswego.

*grr* I just want to go run to EB or Media Play and go get some mac games to play on this computer for when I'm bored as hell.

I think I know what this office needs.... Nerf weaponry. :-)


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