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Fear of graduation?
2002-02-11 - In the morning

Okay, so there's these two jobs that I'm applying for. No, I'm not going to tell you what they are, too competitive these days. Be assured, it's not like, "male stripper", or anything like that.

*lol* rminds me of a Bloom County cartoon where Opus the Penguin ends up as a male stripper. While he's doing his thing, you see this old woman yelling "Shake your bootie!" Opus says "Ma'am, I am shaking my bootie!" to which she replies "No you're not! You're waddling!"

Just thought I'd share that... but back to the serious end of business, you know, the meat and potatoes of this entry.

I still haven't "graduated" yet. I don't know what is my problem with the whole thing. It's just three simple reports that I need to write up.

Maybe it's the fact that I have to go see Etlinger and beg and plead with him to get my work accepted. Maybe it's the fact that I have to get those 3 reports signed by my old boss, the one who laid me off just 3 months ago.

I hate being a slacker. I hate being a slacker, I hate being a slacker.

But anyways, as I was saying, getting those things done would help greatly in my job search. You see, there's also a job fair thingie going on tomorrow at the Holidome here in Henrietta. Tomorrow, I'm going to look sharp. (Yes, suit and tie, and all that fun stuff. I'll even wear it to my tempoary job tomorrow as well, and the tech support visit that I'm doing Tuesday night.) I haven't worn those clothes in nearly 2 years.

I am going to get a job. I am going to get a job. I am going to get a job. I am going to get a job. I am going to get a real job.


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